Welcome to Mr. City's
Price is Right page!

Navigate my page by either spining the Big Wheel by clicking on the top of it and dragging to the bottom of it, or you can use the Up/Down arrows to spin the wheel one space at a time. Then, click "Go" to go to that page! If you can't see the Flash, use the links along the left & right sides of the Big Doors.

The $1.00 on the Big Wheel takes you to the VINTAGE TPIR page!

UPDATE 6/3/10: The Gallery2 pages I had previously were very slow, and subject to abuse by hackers. The galleries were disabled by my web host. I am working to restore the old content pages, but with a new twist so they still look pretty and you can still rate them!

This also means I have to change the links in the Flash wheel below. For now, don't use it.

Important: From Firefox, Windows Media does not know how to stream video from the https protocol, so for some files, you must save the file first, then watch it. If you use Internet Explorer, you should be able to simply click on the link and watch.


Table of Links: (for those who can't see the Flash)

Come On Down

Pricing Games

Showcase Showdown


Funny Contestants

Multimedia Specials

Episode Spotlights

Odds & Ends

Cast Sightings

Foreign TPIR

Vintage TPIR 1972-75